‼️‼️UPDATE‼️‼️ It looks like the weather will clear up by 1:00. The 1st grade parade will begin at 1:15. Please help us spread the word!
8 months ago, Phaedra Blake
Last night the Lincoln Parish School Board approved the 2023-2024 school calendar! To view the calendar for the next school year, click the link provided. https://5il.co/1ow2j
about 1 year ago, Lincoln Parish School Board
Hey Gator Fans!!!!! Please join us for Fan Day '22! More information on the flyer
over 1 year ago, Phaedra Blake
Fan Day 2022
Parents/Guardians, today is the last day to come look through our Lost and Found for missing jackets and sweatshirts! This afternoon at 2 PM, we will bring all remaining items to Rolling Hills Ministries. So please come before 2 PM to see if you can find your lost items. Thanks! Have a great summer!
almost 2 years ago, Sheila Nugent
Parents/Guardians, please fill out this End-of-Year Questionnaire on parent and family engagement activities at GVE when you can! This gives us valuable information about how to improve our parent and family engagement at school.Thanks! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdqmDqoswoof-aJYN7t_GMxRnk3dDaYZIIE87vvqXhN2YHs_A/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0&usp=mail_form_link
almost 2 years ago, Sheila Nugent
LOST and found, LOL
almost 2 years ago, Sheila Nugent
Hey, Gator Family! Just a reminder that we will have our Summer Send Off this afternoon from 4-5:30! We will have Kona Ice, a food truck, music, art show, and games and activities that students can take home for the summer. Just a heads up, the food truck accepts cash or CashApp only. Also, we will have our list and found items out for you to claim your child’s list stuff! Can’t wait to see you there!
almost 2 years ago, Sheila Nugent
Parents and guardians, all field trip money for the kindergarten and second grade zoo field trips must be turned in by 8 AM on Wednesday morning. After that time, we cannot accept money and forms. It might be easiest to pay online using the School Cash Online website. Thanks for your help with this!
almost 2 years ago, Sheila Nugent
Good evening, Gator Family! Just in case you missed it on the announcements and calendar, I wanted to make you aware that students’ last day of school will be Thursday, May 26. Please check the May calendar for the dates and times of our end-of-year programs!
almost 2 years ago, Sheila Nugent
Good morning, Gator family! Just a couple of announcements… Yearbooks are going home today! Don’t forget about spring pictures tomorrow! Students may wear spring clothes and bring a uniform to change into afterward. Progress reports will be going home on Thursday. Also, Thursday is superhero day! Students may wear a superhero themed shirt with their uniform pants. It’s going to be a fun, busy week! Please let us know if you have any questions!
about 2 years ago, Sheila Nugent
Also, please be reminded that yearbook orders/money is due tomorrow!
about 2 years ago, Sheila Nugent
Gator Family, on Friday, April 8 (tomorrow), we will celebrate Autism Acceptance. Students may wear red shirts with khaki bottoms tomorrow. (They can still pay $1 to wear jeans if they choose for our Friday Jeans day.)
about 2 years ago, Sheila Nugent
Calling all parents of Pre-K students!!! Glen View Elementary is hosting an Open House for parents and students who will be entering Kindergarten for the 2022-2023 school year! It will be held on Tuesday, March 29, from 4-6 PM. Details for this event can be found on our school website or at the following link: https://5il.co/17fmp
about 2 years ago, Sheila Nugent
Parents/Guardians, just a reminder that Dixie Street, the street where we have car line drop off/pickup, is a two-way street. Because this is a city street, we cannot control or change the flow of traffic, so please be advised that oncoming traffic often goes down that street in the opposite direction from car line. This means that all students should exit cars on the right hand side of the car, so that they are not exiting the car or crossing between cars in the flow of oncoming traffic. Thanks for your help with this!
about 2 years ago, Sheila Nugent
Parents/Guardians, Class pictures are being rescheduled for Wednesday, March 2. Students will wear their regular school uniforms for these pictures. Thanks!
about 2 years ago, Sheila Nugent
Parents/Guardians, just a quick reminder of the notes that were sent home last week regarding Valentine's Day celebrations... Flowers, gifts, balloons, stuffed animals, cupcakes/cookies, etc. will not be permitted to be delivered to the school/front office. This is very distracting for our secretaries as they conduct daily school business and are hazardous to carry on the bus. Students may wear a school-appropriate valentine-themed, red, or pink shirt to school with their uniform bottoms today. Thanks for your support!
about 2 years ago, Sheila Nugent
From Lincoln Parish School Board: Due to the latest information we have received from the National Weather Service, we feel it is in the best interest of our students and staff to designate tomorrow, Friday, February 4, as a virtual learning day. As always, the safety of our students and staff is our top priority. With the amount of rain we have received along with the temperatures predicted for this evening/night, the chance of ice on the roads is not a risk we are willing to take. Teachers will send home assignments, and we will return to school on Monday, February 7. From Dr. Nugent: Our teachers will be sending home packets for students to complete tomorrow. We will not have online assignments. Please stay safe and warm, and we will see everyone on Monday!!
about 2 years ago, Sheila Nugent
Parents/guardians, we are having some problems with dress code. Please be reminded that if a student wears a sweatshirt to school, they must have a uniform polo or a school uniform T-shirt on underneath the sweatshirt. Thanks for your help with this!
about 2 years ago, Sheila Nugent
Parents/Guardians, just a reminder that some classes have Christmas music programs tomorrow at Glen View! Here’s the schedule: At 8:30, we will have the program for Waltman, Doss, Brasuell, and Hall’s home rooms (first grade). At 9:30, we will have the program for Taylor, Colvin, R Smith, Martin, E Smith, and Barr’s homerooms (second grade). The students in these classes can have a maximum of two guests attend. Can’t wait to see you here!
over 2 years ago, Sheila Nugent
Good evening, Gator Family! Just a reminder that tomorrow is Polar Express Day! Students can wear school-appropriate PJs or sweatshirts/sweatpants to school with tennis shoes (no slippers or nightgowns, please). We are going to have a great day!
over 2 years ago, Sheila Nugent