Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR)
Annual Operating Budgets
Independent Registered Municipal Advisor Rule (IRMA) Exemption Notice
By publicly posting this written disclosure, the Lincoln Parish School Board, Ruston, Louisiana (“School Board”) intends that market participants receive and use it for the purposes of the independent registered municipal advisor exemption described in the Securities and Exchange Commission’s Rule 15B1-1(d)(3)(vi)(B) (the “Municipal Advisor Rule”) promulgated under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.
In this connection, the School Board has engaged the Argent Advisors as its “independent registered municipal advisor”, as such term is defined by the Municipal Advisor Rule. Accordingly, any financial proposals and related materials regarding an issuance of municipal securities and/or municipal financial products that are sent to the School Board must also be provided to its municipal advisor at the contact information provided below. The School Board is represented by its municipal advisor and the School Board will “rely on” the municipal advisor’s advice in considering any financial proposals or related materials regarding an issuance of municipal securities and /or municipal financial products that are submitted for its consideration.
Proposals and other communications may be addressed to the School Board’s municipal advisor as follows:
Argent Advisors, LLC
500 East Reynolds Drive
Ruston, LA 71270
Attn: Lucius D. McGehee, Jr., Vice President – Governmental Services
Phone: (318) 251-5851
Fax: (318) 251-4651
Proposals submitted to the School Board’s municipal advisor above will be shared with the appropriate School Board staff.
Argent Advisors personnel who will advise the School Board on the issuance of municipal securities and municipal financial products (including those who participate in the management, direction, supervision, or performance of such activity) have represented to the School Board that they have not been associated with any investment banking firm within two years prior to the date of this notice.
Questions or requests for additional information regarding the School Board’s relationship with its municipal advisor should be addressed to the Chief Financial Officer. Phone (318) 255-1430.
This certificate may be relied upon until further notice from the School Board and so long as this letter remains posted on the School Board’s website.