Lincoln Parish Pupil Apraisal
Our mission is to serve as a child advocate and foster independence, self-worth, responsibility, and academic achievement, through realistic expectations, positive attitudes, social interaction, and support of appropriate quality instructional programming for every student.
We support Lincoln Parish Schools in providing a safe, positive, and challenging learning environment so that all students benefit academically, socially, and emotionally in order to become responsible adults.
Lincoln Parish Pupil Appraisal personnel strive to meet the requirements of the Bulletin 1508, Pupil Appraisal Handbook, which complies with Bulletin 1706, Regulations for implementation of the Exceptional Children’s Act, Louisiana’s Law for Exceptional Students and Act 754.
The Lincoln Parish Pupil Appraisal staff utilize the Bulletin 1508, Pupil Appraisal Handbook, for all appraisal services including general screening procedures, individual evaluation processes, criteria for eligibility, screening and evaluation procedures for each exceptionality.